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Sep 2, 20242 min read
How to prevent energy leaks and give less ‘hoots’.
“ Close your ribs sweetheart, your arms are wide open” my 20 year old yoga instructor/model scolded me loudly so the whole class could...
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Aug 18, 20242 min read
Being post-Christian: Why Sunday should still be a day of rest
I'm not a church goer anymore, but I'm still a ministers daughter. And as a result, I've got a healthy respect for Sundays. As a child,...
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Jul 22, 20243 min read
When the body says NO!...
‘Oh oh. That didn’t feel good’ I thought to myself as lugged my portable massage table inside from my car. I’d just come back from the...
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Jul 22, 20244 min read
Mānawatia a Matariki: why now is the time to search for the light in the darkness.
I have never been more grateful for those 9 tiny whetū that have just reappeared on our dawn horizon. Matariki means different things to...
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May 4, 20246 min read
Capitalism is bad for our health: Why we are all exhausted and what we can do about it.
Working to live not living to work. Capitalism is making us sick. How seasons of rest can help to prevent and recover from burnout.
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Apr 2, 20243 min read
The middle path between rest and exercise that feels so good.
An explanation of fascia and its importance in maintaining flexibility, mobility, strength and being pain free through stretching.
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Mar 4, 20244 min read
Finding Balance: Confessions of a Recovering Workaholic...
“It’s like you’ve got no shut off switch”, my friend remarked. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well, even in your down time, you are...
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Jan 8, 202412 min read
Hope, Love and Pain: Fertility and Miscarriage at 41
I’ve spent the past 5+ years trying to conceive a child, and I know that many of us are in the same boat. It can be a heartbreaking,...
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Nov 30, 20234 min read
5 Tips for greater headspace, calm and peace in a chaotic world, inspired by my late, great nanna.
. I must start this post with a tribute to my late, great nanna Moira Alpe who passed away last Saturday aged 98. Nanna, you showed me...
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Nov 8, 20235 min read
How stress is hurting us and what to do about it.
I’m writing this post as I slowly recover from being sick. These days I don’t get anywhere near half as sick as I used to when I was a...
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Oct 24, 20234 min read
The Sacred Pause: Pausing as a burnout prevention and recovery strategy.
If you are anything like me, you pack a lot into your life. We are just so bloody busy. Constantly driven towards productivity. To do our...
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Sep 19, 20237 min read
Tōku reo tōku ohooho - Te reo Māori, my awakening.
Te wiki o te reo Māori has come and gone again, and with each year that passes I am consistently impressed with the momentum the movement...
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Apr 4, 20233 min read
"Once a year, go someplace you've never been before"- The Dali Lama-
I recently made a spur of the moment decision to travel to Colombia over Christmas to visit my new boyfriend’s familia over there. Well,...
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Nov 14, 202213 min read
Finding a place to belong: On being Pākehā
As a Pākehā, I've spend my whole life in pursuit of belonging. I’ve always struggled to fit in. Always felt different to those around me....
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Jul 31, 202211 min read
Te noho puku: What 9 days of silence taught me.
Day 0: Nervously, I pulled up to the carpark of Dhamma Medini, the Vipassana Meditation Centre, located deep in the native bush of...
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Jun 6, 20227 min read
Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua - On recovery from burnout…
Recovery from my own burnout from teaching began the day I quit my job. It’s true that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single...
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May 16, 20224 min read
Burnout is a slippery slope...
This is part one of a four part series exploring burnout. In this first part, I share my own story and use it to reflect on the 12 stages...
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Mar 22, 20223 min read
Grief is like a blanket: On love and loss.
E ngā tini aitua kua whetūrangihia, haere, haere, whakangaro atu rā. Ki a tātou ngā mōrehutanga o rātou, mauri ora ki a tātou katoa. It's...
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Oct 7, 20216 min read
Wellness and privilege
Is wellness a privilege? Or is it a universal human right? Wellness, as defined by the Global Wellness Institute (N.D.), describes:...
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Sep 7, 20216 min read
Āhuru mōwai: Ko te pānga o ngā kāre ā-roto ki te huarahi ako i te reo Māori.
Safe place: The role of the emotions in learning te reo Māori. “He kokonga whare e kitea, he kokonga ngākau e kore e kitea.” “A corner of...
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